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India’s millet revival: How the once-neglected seed is making a comeback (Introduction)
Geography/History, Language Arts
Intermediate (7-8) / Senior (9-12)
1 - Protection of Water
Resources Needed:
- Link to the CBC online article, India’s millet revival: How the once-neglected seed is making a comeback or printable version.
- See attachment for printable version and discussion questions handout.
- Ask students, Why do you think the UN declared 2023, The Year of Millets? Students work with a partner or in small groups to answer this question. Students likely won’t have correct answers, or even be familiar with millets, but the learning throughout the article will all lead back to this question.
- Share thoughts and ideas as a class. Through open sharing, some groups may know about millets which may prompt further discussion about the leading question.
- Have students read the CBC article, India’s millet revival: How the once-neglected seed is making a comeback
- Have students work through the following questions:
- What prompted India to promote millet as an agricultural product?
- What are some of the health benefits of millet?
- Explain India’s Green Revolution.
- List some of the environmental benefits of growing millet over other crops?
- What are the challenges faced by Indian farmers in pivoting to growing millet?
- What benefits, in terms of water consumption, does growing millets provide over other crops such as rice?
- Will knowing the environmental effects of farming millets compared to rice, and other water intensive crops, have any impact on your food choices?
- Have students revisit, discuss and answer the original question, Why do you think the UN declared 2023, The Year of Millets?
Follow Up Activities:
- Check out local grocery stores to see how readily available millets are.
- Plan a class potluck with recipes that use millets.