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Is Sea Water Desalination the Solution for the World’s Water Problems? (Pros and Cons Part 2)

SUBJECTS Geography/History, Language Arts, Science
GRADE LEVEL Junior (4-6) / Intermediate (7-8)
PLEDGE 1 - Protection of Water

Resources Needed:

  1. This lesson is best following the preceding lesson, Is Sea Water Desalination the Solution for the the World’s Water Problems? (Pros and Cons Part 1)
  2.  Link to the Water We Doing? and how can we do better (Season 1, Episode 3) podcast, Is Sea Water Desalination the Solution for the the World’s Water Problems? by The Aquatic Biosphere Project
  3. Podcast transcript (see lesson attachment at bottom of Lesson 1)
  4. Audio/podcast summary graphic organizer. (see attachment at bottom of lesson)


  1. Tell students, Today you are going to play the role of Podcast Promoter by summarizing the “Water We Doing” podcast on Desalination. To promote a podcast you first have to summarize it for your audience, and personalize the podcast by describing what is special or important to you.
  2. Project the podcast summary organizer and ask if there are questions.


  1. Organize students into pods of 3 or 4 to use the graphic organizer to summarize the podcast and create their own interpretations of the podcast information and message.
  2. Encourage students to use both the audio version and written transcript.