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Nibi (Water) Song

GRADE LEVEL Primary (K-3) / Junior (4-6)
PLEDGE 1 - Protection of Water

Resources Needed:

  1. Link to The Story of the Nibi (Water) Song, by Beatrice Menase Kwe Jackson, Migizi Clan (includes music, lyrics and story transcript)


  1. Have students discuss the following questions with a partner or in a small group, How do we show appreciation to those we care about? What words do we use or say? Take up as a class.
  2. Next, ask students, We all care about our environment. How can we let nature know that we appreciate it?


  1. Read aloud to students, The Story of the Nibi (Water) Song, by Beatrice Menase Kwe Jackson, Migizi Clan.
  2. Project the words for the students and then play the Nibi Song, encouraging students to sing along in Ojibwemowin.

              Ne-be Gee Zah- gay- e- goo                                             Water, we love you

                  Gee Me-gwetch -wayn ne- me – goo                           We thank you

                  Gee Zah Wayn ne- me- goo                                              We respect you

3. Have students think about the Nibi Song lyrics, and ask them to share with a partner, or in a small group, What do you love about water? What are you thankful to water for? What is it about water that you respect?

Follow Up Activities:

  1. Consider playing/singing the Nibi Song each day to show appreciation for water. 
  2. Sing the Nibi Song to a water source near your school, or when on a field trip close to water.
  3. Students can learn the song and sing it to a water source close to their home or just at home everyday as water is everywhere!