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The Environmental Cost of Staying Fashionable (Media)

SUBJECTS Language Arts, Media
GRADE LEVEL Junior (4-6) / Intermediate (7-8)
PLEDGE 1 - Protection of water

Resources Needed:

  1. Virtual Article: UN Launches Drive To Highlight Environmental Cost of Staying Fashionable
  2. Printable: UN Launches Drive To Highlight Environmental Cost of Staying Fashionable
  3. See the attached Choice Board for The Environmental Cost of Staying Fashionable


  1. Following the The Environmental Cost of Staying Fashionable (Introduction), ask students: What impact did the ‘article’ have on you after you left class? Did you notice or count how many jeans you owned or saw people wearing? Did you share what you learned with someone?


  1. Tell students that it’s now their turn to make an impact. Share the attached Choice Board for The Environmental Cost of Staying Fashionable with the class and have students choose which way they will get their message out. (Sample choice boards attached). This could be done as a whole class activity, small group or individual.
  2. Have students present their projects or display around the school.

Follow Up Activities:

  1. Have students reflect on their peers’ projects.