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Videos & Documentaries

We’ve compiled lists of videos and documentaries that will educate young and old while supporting our vision of a Blue Future. Be sure to check back regularly as this list is sure to grow!

SciShow Kids: Where does water come from?

Informative video for primary children that explains where their water comes from!

CBC: An Indigenous community’s transformational fight for clean water

The story of Shoal Lake 40 First Nation’s struggle enduring a 24-year boil-water advisory and how the construction of a road led to a new Water Treatment plant and other positive changes.
(Junior/Intermediate/Senior/ Adult)

The Water Brothers Eco-Adventure Documentary Series

The Water Brothers documentary series uncovers the most important water stories of our time, accompanied with Teacher’s Guides.
(Junior/Intermediate/Senior/ Adult)

The Story of Bottled Water

Learn about the history of bottled water, the influence of this industry on consumption, and what you can do to help.
(Junior/Intermediate/Senior/ Adult)

Water Docs: Great Lakes Water Walk

Just one of many great videos from waterdocs, a registered environmental and arts charity. Click here for more videos.

The following are excellent resources to further your education surrounding the water crisis (trailers only)

Flow: For Love of Water

This award winning documentary raises awareness of the world’s water supply crisis and the inequities of access to water while confronting the disturbing reality that this crucial resource is dwindling and greed just may be the cause.
(Intermediate/Senior/ Adult)