It is crucial to teach young people that our limited supplies of water are precious and need their protection. At the current rate of global extraction, within a decade demand will outstrip supply by 40% and two thirds of the world’s population will live in water-stressed areas. Simply put, the planet’s freshwater is in deep trouble.
Why become a Blue Water School?

While carbon emission- fueled climate change
is negatively affecting water, it is not the only culprit. Humans are polluting, diverting, over-extracting, and mismanaging water at an alarming rate.
Water everywhere is also at risk from plastic contamination. Globally, we buy at least one million plastic bottles of water a minute. If we were to put these bottles from just one year end to end, they would reach halfway to the moon. This cannot continue.

Freshwater access is deeply inequitable
Even countries like Canada, where there is an abundance of water, face many serious issues. For example, human rights violations of the right to water still take place in a number of First Nations communities.
Educating our youth about these issues and empowering them to advocate for real solutions is essential to overcoming the water crisis.
Our Right To Water
There is a human rights crisis as billions go without access to clean water and sanitation.
Why is bottled water problematic?
Water is not just a victim of climate change. Our abuse of the planet’s water is a major cause of the water crisis.
Safe drinking water in Indigenous Communities
In many First Nations communities across Canada, clean drinking water & safe sanitation are still inexcusably lacking. Photo credit: Carlos Osorio/The Canadian Press