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Amazing Feet (Introduction)

SUBJECTS Language Arts, Science
GRADE LEVEL Primary (K-3) / Junior (4-6)

Resources Needed:

This lesson introduces students to tidepools and some of the marine animals that inhabit them and is recommended for classes prior to the free virtual workshop, Coastal Adventure, or the on-site school workshop Discovery Tank Experience at the Canadian Museum of Nature.

  1. Video Amazing Feet by Canadian Museum of Nature


  1. Tell the class you’re going to show them a video and that you want them to observe closely, thinking about where the video takes place, what’s happening, and what they see.


1. After showing the video, have students discuss the following questions with a partner or in a small group. Take up as a class.

    • Where does this video take place? Is there more than one setting? Describe the clues that helped you to know the setting? (The first 16 seconds are on the West Coast of Canada in Pacific Ocean tidepools. The remaining footage is in the Pacific Discovery Tank at the Canadian Museum of Nature.)
    • Explain what makes a tidepool? (Tidepools are found where the ocean meets the land. During low tide, when the water goes out, holes and cracks in the shore stay filled with ocean water along with the sea life that was washed in during high tide.)
    • What kinds of sea animals did you see in the video? ((in order of appearance: red sea urchin, California sea cucumber, leather star, ochre star, green anemone, gumboot chiton, turban snail)
    • Tell why ‘Amazing Feet’ is a good name for this video.
    • What sort of things should you consider when exploring a tidepool for your own safety and the safety of the sea life that live there? 

2. For classes that will be attending the free virtual workshop, Coastal Adventure, or the on-site school workshop Discovery Tank Experience, have students think about questions they might have for the presenters about tidepools and the sea life that lives there.

Follow Up Activities:

  1. Check out the range of on-site school workshops, free virtual workshops and resources offered by the Canadian Museum of Nature on their For Educators page.