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Nature Is Speaking: Water (Dance P/J/I)

GRADE LEVEL Primary (K-3) / Junior (4-6) / Intermediate (7-8)
PLEDGE 1 - Protection of water

Resources Needed:

This lesson was developed and contributed by Marie-Eve Charbonneau.

  1. Video: Nature Is Speaking – Penélope Cruz is Water by Conservation International
  2. Transcript for Nature is Speaking: Water (see attachment)
  3. Teacher Notes: The objective of this lesson is for students to engage in the initial stages of the creative process (challenging/inspiring or exploring/experimenting) and use dance as a language to create dance phrases/pieces that reflect the message in the video/transcript.


  1. Show the video, Nature Is Speaking – Penélope Cruz is Wateryou can also provide students with a transcript (see attached) in preparation for the discussion.
  2. Using the following discussion questions to brainstorm the main ideas/messages with the class.
    • How does water describe itself?
    • What is water’s relationship with humans?
    • What do you think water wants humans to know?


  1. Brainstorm how dance/movements could be used to represent the ideas/messages being communicated in the video/transcript using the following discussion questions:
    • How might you use your body to represent certain words or imagery in the video/transcript? (i.e., rain, mountains, rivers, streams, oceans, wars, etc.)
    • What other elements of dance (body, energy, relationship, space, and time) could a dancer use to represent the overall message in the video/transcript?
  2. Divide the class into smaller groups and challenge them to create dance phrases for parts or the entire video. You may choose to use the video as ‘music,’ select an alternative instrumental track, or challenge students to move without music at all.

Follow Up Activities:

  1. Students can engage the revising/refining stage of the creative process by presenting their work to their peers for feedback (positives and constructives).
  2. Students can present/perform their work in front of their class, or even share their work with another class or during a school assembly.
  3. Students can write a response to the video with their pledge to water (Potential prompt: People are Speaking: Water – What is the people’s promise to water?) and use it as their stimulus for their own dance creation. * Ideally, this extension activity is supported by additional resources on how humans can help protect water.